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 发布时间:2011/10/13 阅读:28778

The formation of ballas is observed with increasing carbon supersaturation (CH4 content) in the gas phase respectively with decreasing at. H/C ration. These conditions can be reached by variation of the carbon source, e.g. with fullerens or by reduction of the at. H concentration in case of Ar additions. By variation of the other diamond deposition parameters also ballas can be deposited (e.g. plasma intensity, surface temperature, impurities).   随着H/C比率减小,气相中碳的超饱和度(CH4含量)相应增大,从而形成半刚石。改变碳源可达到这些条件,如使用添加剂或加入Ar来降低H浓度。另外,通过改变其它的金刚石沉积参数(如等离子强度、表面温度、杂质等)也能沉积半刚石。
In order to use the high potential of the unique ballas structure in industrial applications further investigations should be performed on the low-pressure ballas synthesis. Applying polycrystalline ballas diamond as material for high-duty, thin coating surfaces on suitable substrates with even complex pre-shaped geometries should be quite easy. To develop the necessary coating adhesion to optimize the ballas layer strength, its fracture toughness and wear behavior versus a variety of materials seems a worthwhile new endeavor.
Furthermore, the ballas type containing fine graphite particles could be of interest for the flat panel production.
  为了在工业应用中发挥独特半刚石结构的巨大潜能,须对低压半刚石合成进行进一步的研究。在具有更为复杂的预成形几何形状的适当基体上将聚晶半刚石用作高强 度薄涂层表面材料应当说是很容易的事情。为了获得能优化半刚石涂层强度所需的粘结强度,涂层的断裂韧性和耐磨性与各种材料的关系看来是值得努力研究的新课 题。

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