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 发布时间:2011/10/13 阅读:28789


Since the beginning of CVD diamond synthesis, faceted diamond layers, but frequently also half-spherical and poly crystalline diamond (ballas) were deposited. Ballas deposition is observed under “non-optimal” growing conditions. The CVD ballas layers were alsocalled cauliflower like, ball-shaped, etc. by some authors. Additionally during the last years nano-crystalline and ultra-nanocrystalline diamond films were described.



自从CVD金刚石合成开始以来,不但沉积了多面金刚石涂层,而且还常常沉积半球形状的聚晶金刚石(半刚石)。在“非最佳”的生长条件下可沉积半刚石。 CVD半刚石涂层还被一些作者称作菜花形金刚石、球形金刚石等等。另外,近几年来对纳米晶和超纳米晶金刚石薄膜进行了描述。

Faceted diamond can be grown by various technigues and diamond growth can be obtained within a wide range of parameters (e.g. temperature range between 300 and 1000℃). All methods are primarily based on the generation of large amounts of atomic hydrogen and carbon radicals.



With increase of carbon supersaturation(e.g. CH4 amount in the gas phase)faceted diamonds get less and a high amount of twins and stacking faults are introduced into the deposited diamond. Finally radial growth of polycrystalline, unfaceted diamond having the “ballastype morphology” occurs.



Raman spectroscopy is the most freguently used technigue to characterize carbon bonding in diamond films, to distinguish between diamond, graphite and amorphous carbon is possible




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